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Database Config

This instance of LAPIS uses the following configuration file:

  instanceName: sars_cov-2_minimal_test_config
  opennessLevel: OPEN
    - name: primaryKey
      type: string
      lapisAllowsRegexSearch: true
    - name: date
      type: date
    - name: region
      type: string
      generateIndex: true
    - name: country
      type: string
      lapisAllowsRegexSearch: true
      generateIndex: true
    - name: pangoLineage
      type: pango_lineage
    - name: division
      type: string
      lapisAllowsRegexSearch: true
      generateIndex: true
    - name: age
      type: int
    - name: qc_value
      type: float
    - name: test_boolean_column
      type: boolean
    - name: sarsCoV2VariantQuery
  primaryKey: primaryKey
  dateToSortBy: date
  partitionBy: pangoLineage